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In this five day intensive class, students will learn to make their own yarn by hand with a hand spindle and spinning wheel. This class is designed as an introduction to handspinning for absolute beginners, but people with prior spinning experience who wish to improve their skills are also welcome. Topics will include the characteristics of different fibers, fiber selection and preparation (including raw fleece selection, skirting, and scouring), spinning wheel mechanics, use of a distaff, how to create strong, consistent singles yarn, plying, and wet finishing.


We will work with many different types of fiber prep tools, spindles and wheels during the class, with an emphasis on exploration and finding what works for each individual spinner in creating the yarn they want, including gaining confidence in spinning yarns to be used in weaving. 


For students interested in the Great Wheel workshop, who do not have prior spinning experience, this class will prepare you for working with the Great Wheel. By the end of class, students will have grounding in the fundamental concepts of hand spinning: an understanding of the functions of draft and twist in fiber for the creation of a structurally-sound yarn. 


Participants are welcome to stay on for an additional day of spinning during the public Spinning Frolic on June 22.


Prerequisite: None

Introduction to Spinning | Andrea Myklebust

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